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Infographics and podcasts on climate change by 2L1 students

Infographics and podcasts on climate change by 2L1 students

In the run-up to the project day on climate change at DFG, the students of 2L1 dealt with the topic in their English class with Mr Pfefferle, focusing on English-speaking countries. On the one hand, the students investigated the extent to which certain countries contribute to climate change and, on the other hand, what concrete effects climate change has on these countries. The students also did research on the measures against climate change in these countries and even contacted climate activists in anglophone countries. The information gathered in class was turned into infographics containing QR codes linking to more in-depth podcasts.

Climate change as a global threat

Climate change in Germany

Climate change in Australia

Climate change in the UK

Climate change in the USA

Climate change in the Philippines

Climate change in South Africa

Climate change in India
