Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
Rosie Ward, étudiante de Cambridge, en séjour au LFA

Rosie Ward, étudiante de Cambridge, en séjour au LFA

My name is Rosie Ward and I am spending the week beginning 17th September at the DFG Saarbrücken, helping in English lessons. At the moment I am on my summer holidays from Cambridge University, where I study foreign languages and music. I came to the DFG to practice my French and German and because I am thinking about becoming a teacher.

I have helped in lessons for all year groups, sometimes by participating in the normal programme of lessons and sometimes by having conversations in English with the pupils about British culture. Among all year groups the most popular questions are about the Queen of England and about the Olympic Games.

Thanks to Mr Vourdon for organising the trip and to Mr Pfefferle for inviting me to stay with his family.
