Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
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Erasmus+ exchange with our partners from Madrid and Zagreb visiting Portugal

As part of the Erasmus ‘Food’ programme, Marine Cop-Reeb (1es), Elisa Fabre (1S1), Olivia Fierling (1L1), Camille Gaspari (1S1) Manon Grausem (1S3), Nuala Mairel (1L1), Lara Riehl (1es), Ezeckielle N’Diaye (1L1) and Lucie Vittet (1S3), accompanied by their teachers Gemma Bermejo and Corinne Becker, were lucky enough to take part …

Projet Erasmus+ « Grenoble, Berlin »

Le mercredi 20 novembre, 13 élèves de terminale sont partis à Grenoble accompagnés de Mr Reppert et Frau Kühn pour retrouver Mme Carrier-Gailmain, ancienne professeur d’histoire géographie du LFA. Ils ont été accueillis par les élèves du lycée international Europol dans le cadre d’un projet Erasmus axé sur le cinéma …

Erasmus+ exchange – Partners from Croatia, Portugal and Spain at LFA

Following a visit to wintry Zagreb at the beginning of the year, we met our Erasmus+ partners from Croatia, Portugal and Spain in Saarbrücken in the week from 15 to 19 April. Based on the project theme, which revolves around nutrition and food, the participants analysed differences between supermarkets in …