Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
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Erasmus+ project « Headlines: More than Meets the Eye » on track

The kickoff meeting for our new Erasmus+ project took place in Saarbrücken in November. Teachers representing Finland, France, Germany, Greece, and Spain gathered around a table to prepare the activities that pupils will have to work on in cross-national teams. The project which will last for two years will first …

Erasmus+ kick-off meeting with partner schools from Finland, Greece and Spain

Our Erasmus+ kick-off meeting for our next project about the construction and the dissemination of news in the media is approaching fast. From the 19th until the 21st November, the French-German High School will be working with partner schools from Finland, Greece and Spain. The focus of the project « Headlines: …

ERASMUS + : Jobtrotter – Dernier Arrêt : Morecambe, Lancashire, England.

ERASMUS + : Jobtrotter 2016-2018. Dernier Arrêt : Morecambe, Lancashire, England. Notre dernier voyage pour clore ces trois années de projet international autour du thème du travail, vient de se terminer. En effet, 10 élèves et 3 professeurs se sont rendus dans le Lancashire du 21 au 28 avril 2018. Entre visites …

JobTrotter – Le projet Erasmus+ du lycée franco-allemand entre dans sa maturité

Déjà la quatrième rencontre internationale du projet JobTrotter, et cette fois-ci c’était à notre tour d’accueillir nos partenaires italiens, anglais, turcs, bulgares et espagnols. L’accent a été mis sur la mise en relation des élèves grâce à des jeux organisés par l’équipe britannique, mais aussi sur le travail au sein …

Erasmus+ JobTrotter Kick off

Our Erasmus+ project « JobTrotter has kicked off with a trip to Sicily where pupils and teachers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and Turkey met up to work around our main theme « job and mobility ». It is a multi-purpose project, fostering European integration through mobility, increasing career …

Kick-off work conference for JobTrotter

Representatives from five partner schools from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Turkey visited the French-German High School last week to fine-tune the last details of the Erasmus+ project « JobTrotter ». The theme of the project is « Work and Mobility in Europe » and its purpose is to make pupils consider the …