Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
Catégorie : <span>Anglais</span>

Erasmus+ exchange with our partners from Madrid and Zagreb visiting Portugal

As part of the Erasmus ‘Food’ programme, Marine Cop-Reeb (1es), Elisa Fabre (1S1), Olivia Fierling (1L1), Camille Gaspari (1S1) Manon Grausem (1S3), Nuala Mairel (1L1), Lara Riehl (1es), Ezeckielle N’Diaye (1L1) and Lucie Vittet (1S3), accompanied by their teachers Gemma Bermejo and Corinne Becker, were lucky enough to take part …

La classe de 9S2 participe à la semaine du cinéma : « The Hate U Give »

Starr Carter, 16 ans, se trouve entre deux mondes : Elle vit dans un quartier pauvre, « Garden Heights », habité par des Noirs. Elle va à l’école avec des enfants blancs privilégiés, car c’est surtout sa mère qui attache de l’importance à une bonne éducation. Puis elle doit assister …

Cambridge Certificates 2024

After preparation classes in spring and summer 2024, around 50 of our pupils passed last year’s University of Cambridge English Examinations in June 2024. 25 pupils went for the FCE (First Certificate of English, Level B2 of the CEFR), some even reaching C1 level. 23 pupils tackled the CAE (Certificate …

« Neighbours With Long Teeth » & « Pygmalion » at DFG

On Friday, 3rd May 2024, the White Horse Theatre visited the Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium. The British theatre company specializes in performing English-language plays at schools and brought along two different stage productions: For all year 9 students, the programme included Neighbours With Long Teeth, a self-written play dealing with the themes …

Erasmus+ exchange – Partners from Croatia, Portugal and Spain at LFA

Following a visit to wintry Zagreb at the beginning of the year, we met our Erasmus+ partners from Croatia, Portugal and Spain in Saarbrücken in the week from 15 to 19 April. Based on the project theme, which revolves around nutrition and food, the participants analysed differences between supermarkets in …