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Creative Writing Competition (1st trimester 2010/11)

Creative Writing Competition (1st trimester 2010/11)

Jury des Englischwettbewerbs mit Isabelle Kruchten (2.v.l.), Andra Brunzema (3.v.l.), Joanna Reichert (4.v.l.) und Sara Hemmerling (5.v.l.)
Mme Becker (jury), Isabelle Kruchten, Andra Brunzema, Joanna Reichert, Sara Hemmerling (participantes), Mme Hawke-Pasterkamp (jury), Mme Reysset (jury) et M. Grannec (jury)

… and the winner is … Andra Brunzema (1eL2) est la gagnante du concours d’écriture d’invention en anglais du LFA (comme le trimestre passé!). Son texte a convaincu la majorité du jury. Le jury, composé d’enseignants d’anglais, a récompensé, cette fois, les meilleurs textes conçus à partir du sujet What money can’t buy… Les prix offerts par ALFA (l’amicale du lycée) ont été remis en présence de Mme Becker, Mme Hawke-Pasterkamp, Mme Reysset, M. Grannec et M. Pfefferle, membres du jury. … To be continued in the next school year!

» le texte de notre gagnante

What Money can’t buy

To hear «I love You»
Once in our lives,
A happy heart
And happy days.
Love, Money can’t buy.

Brothers and Sisters,
Mother and Father,
Go through everything
Family, Money can’t buy.

They help you,
They listen to you,
You can trust them,
And they can trust you.
Friends, money can’t buy.

You share it with everyone,
It’s a happy moment,
Or a funny one,

When it sounds through the house.
Laughter, Money can’t buy.

They run down our faces,
While happiness or sadness,

Quiet or loud,
And sometimes without a reason.
Tears, Money can’t buy.

A smile on our lips,
Liking everything we see,

Want to jump around,

Acting like mad.
Happiness, Money can’t buy.

Love and Hate,
Birth and Death,

Peace and War,

See a lot while we live.
Experiences, Money can’t buy.

The first ever love,
First kiss and first hug,

The friends we had,

And a day in our lives.
Memories, Money can’t buy.

They make our souls
Leave wherever we are,
They go forward and backward
make us happy or sad.
Thoughts, money can’t buy.

Everything important in life,
That’s what Money can’t buy.

(poem by Andra Brunzema)
