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Finals of the English debating contest: And the winners are…

Finals of the English debating contest: And the winners are…

2017 debating contest…the 2nde ES team, coached by Frau Hawke-Pasterkamp! On Tuesday 9th May 2017, Charlotte Becker, Inès Christoffel and Marion Gérold supported the motion according to which music promoting a criminal and violent lifestyle should be banned. They accomplished their task with consistence and intelligence.

And a challenging task it was, when faced with talented opponents. Indeed the 2nde S2 team, made of Daniel Becher, Simon Dima and Maximilian Sänger, gave them a hard time with arguments ranging from freedom of speech to the lack of efficiency of such a measure.

Carrie Ankerstein from the University of Saarland, Agnes Scholtes from the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut and our very own M. Grannec, spent a few minutes pondering their decision, but the trophee ended up in the proud hands of the three talented young ladies.

Well done to both teams who performed extremely well. Many thanks to the competent and dedicated jury members, as well as to Alfa for sponsoring the prize. The fifth anniversary of this event turned out to be real success thanks to all those involved, including the supporting colleagues and classmates.

See you next year!

Caroline Reysset
