Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
English debating class during summer

English debating class during summer

English Debating ClassOne of our ex-students, Rebecca Wilhelm, who graduated from DFG-LFA in 2021 and is now studying in Dublin, is offering an English debating class during the summer. Here is what you need to know:

Join the English debating summer club! Starting on Tuesday 02/08 with four sessions in total (approx. 90 minutes per session), this is your chance to join English debates and boost your English during the summer!

This opportunity will enable you to share your opinions on topics relevant to our generation while easily becoming fluent in English! This course does not involve a large commitment of time since everyone still deserves a summer break, yet it still offers an amazing chance to exchange ideas, beat holiday boredom and meet new people!

Sign up at Volkshochschule Saarbrücken !

Cost: 40 Euros
