Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
Emily Harris, English language assistant from Glasgow at DFG

Emily Harris, English language assistant from Glasgow at DFG

EmilyHello everyone!

I’m Emily Harris, the English language assistant for the school this year. I am twenty years old and come from Glasgow in Scotland. I attend the University of St Andrews (also in Scotland) and have studied French and German there for two years. My work here as a language assistant is part of my university degree as it’s an excellent opportunity to immerse myself in both French and German culture and language. My role as language assistant is to help out in classes, share my cultural experiences as someone from Scotland and encourage the students to talk more in English and develop their confidence.

I have wanted to be a language assistant since I met the German language assistant in my high school called Lea. I thought she was so “grown-up” and cool, and I was so jealous that she got to spend a whole year in a different country while gaining experience in the field of teaching. I am loving my time here and feel incredibly lucky to even be here due to the current situation with Covid. All of the teachers and students have been so welcoming and kind and I thoroughly enjoy the work that I’m doing here, so much so that I am seriously considering a career in education in the future.

I will be in the school until the end of May 2021, so if you see me around please say hi and introduce yourself!
