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Kategorie: <span>Englisch</span>

Gastspiel des White Horse Theatre am DFG: „Romeo and Juliet“

“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Today, the White Horse Theatre, featuring amazing actors and actresses from England, Wales, and the USA, delivered a breathtaking performance of Shakespeare’s „Romeo and Juliet“ at our school! The students from Première and Terminale were …

Ansturm der Leseratten

Am 05.12.24 wurde die neue Schulbibliothek am DFG nach einer langen Planungszeit endlich eröffnet. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sind begeistert von der gemütlichen Atmosphäre des Raums und von dem breiten Angebot: Neben französischen, deutschen und englischen Romanen und Jugendbüchern findet sich eine große Auswahl an Sachbüchern sowie Comics, Graphic Novels, …

Erasmus+ exchange with our partners from Madrid and Zagreb visiting Portugal

As part of the Erasmus ‘Food’ programme, Marine Cop-Reeb (1es), Elisa Fabre (1S1), Olivia Fierling (1L1), Camille Gaspari (1S1) Manon Grausem (1S3), Nuala Mairel (1L1), Lara Riehl (1es), Ezeckielle N’Diaye (1L1) and Lucie Vittet (1S3), accompanied by their teachers Gemma Bermejo and Corinne Becker, were lucky enough to take part …

Cambridge Certificates 2024

After preparation classes in spring and summer 2024, around 50 of our pupils passed last year’s University of Cambridge English Examinations in June 2024. 25 pupils went for the FCE (First Certificate of English, Level B2 of the CEFR), some even reaching C1 level. 23 pupils tackled the CAE (Certificate …

„Neighbours With Long Teeth“ & „Pygmalion“ at DFG

On Friday, 3rd May 2024, the White Horse Theatre visited the Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium. The British theatre company specializes in performing English-language plays at schools and brought along two different stage productions: For all year 9 students, the programme included Neighbours With Long Teeth, a self-written play dealing with the themes …

Erasmus+ exchange with our partners from Menorca

The Erasmus+ exchange project with our partners from Menorca was a wonderful experience for everyone: we went on exciting excursions together, worked productively on the multilingualism project and made new friends during intercultural discussions. Therefore, our farewell at the end of this week will hopefully only be for a short …