On Wednesday, 16th November 2022, the White Horse Theatre visited the Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium. The British theatre company specializes in performing English-language plays at schools and brought along two different stage productions:
For all year 9 students, the programme included Two Gentlemen, a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona, dealing with the turmoil of love and friendship in teenage years.
After a short break, all Seconde L, Première L, Terminale L, and Terminale ES classes were then treated to a theatre adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.
You could see that the actors were having fun being on stage, which I think is very important for the audience to enjoy the play. The actors really brought the characters to life through the way they spoke and moved on stage and in the end I was really fascinated by what I saw.
Lehna Robichon, 1L1