Einander begegnen – Avancer ensemble – We make Europe happen
Kategorie: <span>Erasmus</span>

Erasmus+ project „Headlines: More than Meets the Eye“ on track

The kickoff meeting for our new Erasmus+ project took place in Saarbrücken in November. Teachers representing Finland, France, Germany, Greece, and Spain gathered around a table to prepare the activities that pupils will have to work on in cross-national teams. The project which will last for two years will first …

Erasmus+ kick-off meeting with partner schools from Finland, Greece and Spain

Our Erasmus+ kick-off meeting for our next project about the construction and the dissemination of news in the media is approaching fast. From the 19th until the 21st November, the French-German High School will be working with partner schools from Finland, Greece and Spain. The focus of the project „Headlines: …

Erasmus+Austausch: DFG-Schüler in Lancaster

Mit der Reise in die englische Region Lancashire vom 21. bis 28. April 2018 endete das über drei Jahre am DFG laufende internationale Erasmus+ Projekt „Jobtrotter“ rund um des Thema „Arbeit“. Am Treffen mit den Austauschpartnern aus Italien, Spanien, Bulgarien, der Türkei und England nahmen 10 DFG-Schülerinnen und Schüler in …

JobTrotter – Die Erasmus+ Projektpartner des DFG in Saarbrücken

In der dritten Maiwoche fand die mittlerweile vierte internationale Begegnung des JobTrotter-Projekts statt, und dieses Mal waren wir am DFG die Gastgeber für unsere Partner aus Italien, England, Bulgarien, Spanien und der Türkei. Der Fokus lag zunächst auf dem spielerischen Kennenlernen der Schülerinnen und Schüler, das vom englischen Pädagogen-Team organisiert …

Erasmus+ JobTrotter Kick off

Our Erasmus+ project „JobTrotter has kicked off with a trip to Sicily where pupils and teachers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and Turkey met up to work around our main theme „job and mobility“. It is a multi-purpose project, fostering European integration through mobility, increasing career …

Kick-off work conference for JobTrotter

Representatives from five partner schools from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Turkey visited the French-German High School last week to fine-tune the last details of the Erasmus+ project „JobTrotter“. The theme of the project is „Work and Mobility in Europe“ and its purpose is to make pupils consider the …